The fourth edition of the ManuREsource conference, will take place on 27 and 28 November 2019 in Hasselt, Belgium! This conference is organized by the Flemish Coordination Centre for Manure Processing, Ghent University, Inagro, POM West-Flanders and the Dutch Centre of Expertise for Manure Valorization.
During ManuREsource 2019 the remaining challenges in the transition of the manure management will be tackled with the different international stakeholders involved in manure management and valorisation: researchers, policymakers, lifestock and crop farmers, feed industry, (mineral) fertilizer industry and agrofood concerns.
A panel debate will be organized focusing on manure as a sustainable resource and as a key towards a sustainable food production. Confirmed panel members represent research (WUR), policy (Lombardia region, Italy), mineral fertilizer industry (YARA) and the biomethanisation sector (FEBA). During the two days conference, also the BAT study currently being executed in Flanders on manure processing and nutrient recycling techniques will be presented by VITO, testimonials from installations/projects working towards a circular economy will be given and round table discussions on the central topic on nutrient recycling from manure will take place.
On November 29, 2019 two manure treatment installations will be visited close to Hasselt.